OnGuard ID Identity Management
Centralized Enrollment & Credential Management
OnGuard ID Identity Management
A one-stop solution for enrolling and producing ID credentials
The OnGuard® ID CredentialCenter tool offers the most expansive set of capabilities available to manage the employee security information life cycle, from data entry to access revocation. Cardholder information is managed centrally, providing ease of enrollment, information management, directory integration, badge design, printing and encoding, and cardholder credential activity reports. The OnGuard system makes every aspect of working with employees and their credentials easy to use, easy to investigate and easy to report.

Features & Benefits
Standard Features
These products complement OnGuard ID Identity Management

OnGuard Credentials offers browser-based management of cardholders, badges and access levels management without client installation and upgrades.

The OnGuard Cardholder Self Service (CSS) browser-based client provides provides two intuitive and easy-to-use web interfaces, one for cardholders and the other for access managers.
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