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Higher Education Security & College Campus Access Control

Higher education campuses require a comprehensive security solution to provide students and faculty with the confidence to focus on learning

Provide Confidence in a Secure College Campus

We offer tailored security solutions that fit the needs of small community colleges to large state universities with multiple campuses. 

Our solutions provide campus security with all the tools administrators need to ensure efficient management and operations while giving students the confidence to focus on learning. From one-card support to one-button lockdowns, touchless access control and easy integration with video management systems or third-party systems like student databases, LenelS2 has your security needs covered.

Solving Higher Education Security Challenges


Scalable Access Control and One-Card Support

Our access control systems meet the needs of higher education institutions of any size and easily integrate with existing one-card systems to provide a seamless experience for students and faculty.

One-button Lockdown

We enable authorized individuals to rapidly put a campus on lockdown, via special card swipe, a code to type into any school computer or a one-touch button on a mobile app. Lockdowns can be customized to certain campus areas for a more targeted approach.

Enhance Operations with Third-party Integration Support

We offer out-of-the-box integrations and an open API to help meet typical higher education needs such as integrating with student databases or human resources systems to simplify credential management.


Door Locks

LenelS2 solutions can integrate with wireless locks. These are a popular choice for dorms and can lead to reduced costs with maintenance and more convenience. Door locks are also commonly used in the classroom. LenelS2 empowers administrators to unlock doors before class, lock them during class, then unlock them after class in order to ensure students remain safe. 

Campus Access Control from the Cloud

With LenelS2’s cloud solutions, your organization has the option to manage and monitor all of your campus access control activities from the cloud. Our convenient, cloud-based solutions can consistently undergo software and license updates that can comply with campus standards.

Campus Video Surveillance and Management

LenelS2 solutions unify video surveillance and management to provide enhanced situational awareness in your college buildings. We empower your organization to stay on top of the latest events and provide quick responses, allowing for live and recorded video to be accessed from an app or web browser anywhere at any time. 

The OnGuard system works so seamlessly that students and faculty across campus have gained further confidence in our department.
John Monroe

Chief of Police


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Frequently Asked Questions About College Campus Security


Campus security involves the protection of college students, faculty, staff, and assets against unlawful intruders with potentially nefarious means.

Campuses utilize several security measures, such as evacuation, video surveillance, mustering, one-card credentials, mobile credentials, wireless locks, and the ability to have mass communications (an intercom system, etc). 

Some of the threats that campus security solutions can help prevent are:

● Unauthorized intruders

● Sensitive information leakage

● Terror attacks

● Female safety

● Vandalism

● Campus theft

● Student harassment