Architects, engineers and consultants play a critical role in designing advanced security systems to solve the challenges of an ever-evolving landscape. LenelS2 recognizes this and has a team dedicated to working with architects, engineers and consultants to help develop tailored solutions from concept to implementation.

Flexible solution choices
From our feature-rich OnGuard® system and web-based NetBox™ appliance-oriented security systems to Elements™ and OnGuard Cloud, our cloud-based access control and video management systems, and the BlueDiamond™ mobile credentialing platform, we offer multiple technologies allowing you to select the most appropriate security solution for your client’s access control system needs. LenelS2 products are also built with an open architecture and support a wide range of third-party integrations to meet your organization's needs.

Tools tailored for your needs
LenelS2 provides a variety of tools to support your projects including product specifications, CAD drawings, Visio icons, hardening guides, video design tools and more. These tools are available through our partner portals.

Security education and training
Understanding complete product functionality is vital for optimal system design. LenelS2’s consultant support services group offers several security training options, including web-based training, office presentations and hands-on classroom education.

For OnGuard ecosystem, log in to LenelS2 Connect.
For NetBox ecosystem products log in to Support Central.