Web-based system status dashboards
Optimize your system. Maximize your effectiveness.
OnGuard® WATCH (Web Access Trending Comprehensive Health) is a web-based analysis tool that can optimize the effectiveness of your OnGuard system. Innovative and intuitive, OnGuard WATCH constantly collects system data and displays it on user-friendly dashboards, giving you a complete overview and the ability to identify and respond to system needs more quickly and effectively than ever before. OnGuard WATCH is licensed on an annual renewal basis.
OnGuard WATCH lite version is available at no additional charge to users with a LenelS2 Software Upgrade and Support Plan (SUSP). This feature-light version provides a snapshot of the OnGuard application server performance and includes the System Overview dashboard.
Mobile Security User App Features & Benefits
These products complement OnGuard WATCH
Advanced access control application including a feature-rich alarm monitoring module, IP-enabled controllers to provide appropriate door security everywhere.
OnGuard Credentials offers browser-based management of cardholders, badges and access levels management without client installation and upgrades.
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Personalized needs assessment
Summary of integration and compliance issues
Calculated estimates and specifications