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How to Manage Cutting-Edge Security Technology Deployments

Achieving a successful security implementation requires thorough research, client education, a flexible deployment process and a clear plan for the future 

By Jim Dawson
Jim Dawson is Principal at TM Technology Partners

For an organization ready to upgrade its security, it’s exciting to explore cutting-edge access control options and imagine the ideal solution. It's important to demonstrate what’s possible but also explain what’s realistic, effective and can meet the client’s objectives. Achieving a successful security physical security implementation requires thorough research, client education, a flexible deployment process and a clear plan for the future.

How to maintain security with cutting-edge technology

When it comes to new security technology, people are often enthusiastic about the myriad possibilities and ready to jump into the deep end before grasping the details. Consultants and systems integrators must be knowledgeable about new technologies such as facial recognition, biometrics, advanced weapons screening and smart building applications. More importantly, it must be determined whether these security technologies will perform optimally.

Educate yourself and the client on cutting-edge security upgrades

Start by educating the client and setting expectations. Explain the technology, determine whether there are privacy issues (think facial recognition), acknowledge the costs and examine differences between manufacturers. Work with the client to define what the security technology means to them beyond being cutting edge. Does it make sense for the specific project, requirements and budget? Is the organization operationally suited to support this technology now and moving forward? Once these questions are answered, it’s possible to make an informed recommendation.

From there, be sure to involve all the company stakeholders. The security director may understand what’s being implemented and be excited to take things to the next level, but what about facilities, IT and, ultimately, the final decision-makers: the C-suite? Looking at a security implementation from every stakeholder’s angle will ensure a decision is made that serves the organization as a whole.

Planning out security upgrades

Once a recommendation is in hand and the client is ready to proceed, a detailed project plan will keep everyone on the same page. When working with cutting-edge technology, there’s a higher likelihood that expected features may get pushed off and be implemented at a later date, especially if the current security system is on-premises vs cloud-based access control. Being upfront about that possibility and clearly explaining why it happened go a long way towards ensuring the project remains successful.

A common pitfall occurs when the project involves a centralized security platform that touches various other systems – security related and others, such as HVAC. One interface problem can lead to cascading project issues. Avoiding this scenario requires a clear picture of the integration landscape ahead of time. Are there existing third-party integrations between the systems? If not, how can we make sure APIs are written and tested in time for deployment? A project-halting complication can be avoided by exploring these questions prior to implementation.

Cutting-edge security for tomorrow

Sometimes the technology simply isn’t ready in time for the project. In that scenario, the prudent move is to design infrastructure during the current project that allows the technology to be easily implemented later. If a client wants hidden microwave scanners that ascertain whether someone has a weapon, but the technology isn’t ready, consider where the sensors would go and how they’d be powered and connected. The infrastructure can be constructed now so that when the technology is ready, the installation causes less disruption to the client’s daily operations.

Case Studies

One Post Office Square

Collaborating with One Post Office Square, LenelS2 helped implement advanced technology that provides a one-of-a-kind tenant experience for the building. The security staff makes use of easy-to-use systems that can surface alarm events with live camera feeds when needed. The tenants that use the building can now make use of their smartphone as their mobile credential, having access to essentially all building amenities at their fingertips. Additionally, the building includes features such as system health monitoring for all servers and devices, firmware upgrades and more

Naval Square

Naval Square Condominiums worked with LenelS2 to integrate a NetBox™ system, an easy-to-manage access control system that enhanced security and added more convenience for residents. Along with this, the complex is looking to expand security to add video surveillance at critical entry points and to use the LenelS2 Mobile Security Professional® app to manage the system even during inclement weather situations.

Implement cutting-edge security technology with LenelS2

Cutting-edge technology is enticing, and when deployed correctly, can enhance the security of any organization. But new technology isn’t always the right solution. The best way to proceed with optimizing a security system is through education, experience and comprehensive exploration of client needs and budget versus product capabilities. Do the research, test the products and maintain open communications with the client from project inception through completion.

LenelS2 has a wide range of cutting-edge technology. From cloud-based access control solutions such as the Elements™  solution or OnGuard Cloud to the comprehensive, on-premises OnGuard® access control system that provides complete situational awareness and unlimited scalability to serve your client’s needs. To learn more and experience these technologies for yourself, contact us for a demo today

Learn more about our security products


Frequently Asked Questions About Security Technology

A security deployment involves training on proper security measures as well as the implementation of new security features.

Technology security can include things such as access control, video surveillance, mobile credentials, and more. 

It's important to continuously upgrade security as threats become more and more advanced. By continuing to use legacy access control systems, an organization leaves itself open to greater physical security threats. 

Security upgrades can include moving to a more centralized access control system, adapting to have more cameras in entry and exit locations, and moving access control systems to the cloud in order to manage physical security remotely.